Learn What Super Visa Insurance Covers- An Overview

A super visa is necessary for your parents and grandparents who are planning to visit you in Canada and live with you for a certain period. Another thing they need to consider is super visa insurance which is one of the mandatory requirements for those who are planning to apply for the Super Visa. Super visas enable your parents and grandparents to stay in Canada for an extended period, typically up to two years. And,  super visa insurance makes their visit safer and more comfortable by providing excellent health coverage.

The primary reason for having super visa insurance is to offer visitors access to necessary and most required healthcare services without giving them unnecessary and unbearable financial burdens. Now if you are wondering what a super visa insurance plan covers, read the following.
Emergency Medical Services: Super visa insurance covers emergency medical services, which include hospitalization, emergency room visits, and physician services to ensure the best protection for visitors in the event of unexpected illnesses or injuries.

Medical Repatriation: If your parents or grandparents suddenly become seriously ill or injured while staying with you in Canada and they need to go back to their country for further treatment, you may have to consider medical repatriation. Super Visa insurance covers the expenses associated with medical repatriation to give you peace of mind.

Follow-up Care: If your parents or grandparents need follow-up care after receiving emergency treatment, Super Visa insurance covers the costs of additional medical services or consultations.

Prescription Drugs: Super Visa insurance offers coverage for prescription medications that are prescribed by a healthcare professional when your parents or grandparents stay in Canada.

Accidental Dental Care: Super Visa insurance plans can also cover accidental dental care which includes dental treatment resulting from an injury or accident. You can avoid digging your funds for dental surgeries, repairs, or extractions.

Well, one thing you need to remember is that health coverage and benefits can be with the policies. You can take assistance from an insurance broker to review and compare different insurance options to select a plan that suits your needs.


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