The Ultimate Guide To Super Visa Requirements

Obtaining Super Visa insurance for medical coverage is a prerequisite for staying long periods in Canada with near and dear ones.

What is a Super Visa, exactly?

In 2011, the Canadian government introduced Super Visas to address a queue of applicants from visitors who wished to remain longer in the country.

The Super Visa is issued to qualifying parents and grandparents of Canadian residents and citizens and is applicable for up to ten years. Unlike an ordinary visitor's visa, which only permits a six-month stay in Canada, the Super Visa provides for stays of up to two years with the opportunity of applying for an extension.

Why are Super Visa Medical Insurance Requirements important?

The parent and grandparent super visa requires applicants to show proof of Super Visa Medical Insurance for at least one year and a minimum coverage value of $100,000 for healthcare, hospitalization, and deportation. These insurance plans can be purchased to cover the whole stay in Canada, so the applicants only have to worry about is spending time with their loved ones and enjoying the stunning country.

What are the Requirements of Super Visa Medical Insurance?

 To be eligible for a super visa, parents or grandparents of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada must get legitimate super visa insurance before applying. The Super Visa Medical Insurance Requirements are described below-

  • Before their scheduled arrival, the applicants must have medical insurance from a Canadian insurance provider. 

  • The insurance policy must be valid for at least one year from the date of entry and include a minimum of $100,000 in medical coverage.

  • Medical care, hospitalization, and deportation must all be covered under the policy.

  • They must be able to show proof of insurance payment. No quotations will be allowed.

  • The applicants must show that their child or grandchild can meet the required basic income.

  • They must also present a signed statement from their child or grandchild stating that they are willing to financially support their stay.

  • They must also undergo a medical examination by a licensed doctor in Canada.

Numerous insurance companies now offer super visa insurance, which is a type of travel insurance policy designed specifically for super visa applicants. It helps with medical bills, prescribed medications, hospitalization, and deportation.

The applicants can choose a reputable firm that can assist them in meeting with a registered insurance firm to learn more about the Super Visa Medical Insurance requirements


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