Super Visas and Visitor Visas: 3 Types Visas You Need To Know Before Applying


Choosing between applying for a regular or a super visa when your parents or grandparents visit you in Canada can be confusing. You will discover how to make the right decision for your family as we examine the differences between the two options.

A person may find it difficult to determine what type of application to submit for their grandparents or parents to visit Canada. To determine which kind of visa application is most appropriate, we must consider 3 types of visitor's visas.

Super Visa

  • A maximum 10-year period is allowed for travel to Canada and back

  • This visa entitles the holder to remain inside Canada for 2 years before the need to leave or apply for an extension arises

  • The applicant must be an invitee of a Canadian citizen or Permanent resident whose child or grandchild meets the income requirement

  • A copy of their private medical insurance record in Canada must be included in the application package 

Single Entry Temporary Resident Visa (TRV)

  • One-time travel to and from Canada

  • A valid visitor visa holder is allowed to stay in Canada for up to 6 months before

  • If they are going to stay, they need to apply for an extension

  • It is possible for anyone to invite an applicant

Multiple Entry TRV

  • A maximum period of 10 years is allowed for travel to and from Canada

  • Holders are permitted to remain in Canada for up to six months before

  • A leave of absence or an extension must be requested

  • Anyone can invite applicants

An applicant's admission to the country is based on several factors. It is essential that officers are confident that the applicant is a real visitor to Canada who will leave the country voluntarily after their stay. These are some things the officer may take into account:

  • A person's connection to their country of origin

  • Visit purpose

  • Financial and family circumstances of the person

  • A stable economy and political system in the country of origin

  • Hosts in Canada invited

In addition, the grandparent or parent must:

  • Providing written proof that their Canadian grandchild or child has a minimum income to provide financial support

  • Obtain Canadian medical insurance to cover his or her stay in Canada for at least one year

  • Examine your medical fitness for immigration

Both Canadians and permanent residents who invite you and the applicants themselves must meet certain requirements for the Super Visa application. Immigration officers must consider both applicants if they meet certain criteria. 

Out of your depth? Consult a seasoned Travelance licensed broker to get started with applying for super visas and visitor visas. Visit Travelance to obtain a Super Visa insurance quote.  


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