Super Visa - Keeping Families Together in Canada

 Canadian Government understands how difficult it can be for anyone to live far away from family. That's why Canada has brought immigration options to those who want to bring families together. Super Visa program is ideally created for grandparents and parents. It can turn your family reunification dream into reality.

If you are a Canadian citizen, your parents or grandparents can stay with you in Canada with Super Visa. Due to this reason, Canadian Super Visa is also referred to as parents and grandparents visa. Super Visa will be the best option for you if you want to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas with your grandparents or parents. Meanwhile, it is also essential to know that having insurance for Super Visa from a Canadian company is required to get eligible for this visa. In the section below, we will discuss more of its eligibility criteria.


Only parents and grandparents of a permanent resident of Canada or Canadian citizen are eligible for this visa. You will need a signed letter from your grandchild or child to get the Super Visa. On the letter, the Canadian citizen or permanent resident (your child or grandchild) must promise you full financial support throughout your visit. A copy of the person's permanent resident document or Canadian citizenship document will also be required with the signed letter.

Insurance for Super Visa

You will also need medical insurance for Super Visa. You can buy this insurance only from a Canadian company. 

The insurance should have a validity of a year with a coverage amount of at least $100,000. Insurance quotes are not accepted to get eligible for Super Visa. You must show them the proof that you have paid for the medical insurance.

Financial Support

The grandchild or child who invites you to Canada must prove that his/her income meets the basic requirements of the household. You can show the following documents as proof of funds:

1.Pay stubs

2.Notice of Assessment (NOA)

3.Bank statements 

4.Employment insurance stubs etc. 

This is all about Super Visa. Feel free to leave us a comment if you still have any questions about it. 



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