
Showing posts from September, 2022


  Travelance is a travel insurance provider that offers both travel insurance for Canadians and visitors to Canada. Visit our site to get more details about our services.

Super Visa Medical Insurance: An Essential Requirement In Canada

  Canada is famous for its natural beauty, architectural wonders, rich cultural heritage, and robust economy. Thousands of people come to this nation for travel or employment purposes. For this reason, different visa categories are available for immigrants. However, if you want to spend more than six months in Canada with your kids or grandkids, you need to apply for a Super Visa. Super Visa: The Super Visa , valid for up to 10 years, is granted to the parents and grandparents of Canadian permanent residents and citizens. The maximum length of stay for a visitor on a standard visa is six months, while the Super Visa allows for two years with an extension. Insurance For A Super Visa: A Super Visa medical insurance is required for immigrants or travellers who want to stay with their children or family in Canada for an extended period. In the event of a medical emergency, visiting parents in Canada must show proof of medical insurance for at least a year or risk being deported. The Cri

Visitor Insurance for Parents for Super Visa Approval in Canada

  Visiting another country comes with many concerns. One of them is a medical emergency. Sickness and accidents are not something new. And, one can encounter them anytime. So, we never know when we have to spend our money on hospital bills and medical expenses. Visitor insurance for parents can make the burden on your shoulder lighter by taking care of a significant percentage of expenses that you may have to cover during the hospital stay. If your parents are travelling to Canada to meet family or live there for a certain time, you have to be ready for medical emergencies to avoid digging into your savings. Super Visa Health Insurance for Parents When you are applying for a super visa to let your parents travel to Canada, you have to consider an insurance plan to get excellent financial protection during an emergency and receive visa approval. Medical insurance for parents is mandatory when your parents are immigrating as there can be a higher chance of getting medical attention and

An Essential Guide To Visitor Health Insurance In Canada

  Since Canada 's renowned health care system doesn't cover foreign visitors , they must have good emergency health insurance for the whole time of their stay in the country. After getting a health insurance policy , most medical appointments and treatments for visitors to Canada do not have to be paid for out of pocket. The following are the main criteria that tourists have to fulfill to get this insurance policy: Upon their arrival in the country, they should get checked out by a Canadian physician. They must demonstrate the documents containing their medical history to the government authorities in Canada. They also have to declare in a written statement that they have enough $ to pay the premiums for the insurance policy. The applicant must also meet any additional requirements set forth by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (IRCC) authorities of Canada. Many insurance companies now offer visitor insurance designed specifically for people who come to visit Canada